There are several reasons why you might have not received the payment:
1. Have your transactions been approved, cleared and processed?
Transactions will be paid out when they are approved/validated by merchants and merchants have paid ShareASale.
You can see which transactions are Locked and can be paid in Reports > Activity Details.
You can see if a payment was processed by checking in Payments > Past Revenue Report.
2. Have you reached your payment trigger?
It might be the case that your payment trigger is higher than the confirmed commissions (i.e. if you select $100 as the threshold, payment will be triggered only when the approved and cleared transactions to reach this amount).
You can view and change the payment threshold in the 'Payment Settings' section under the 'Payments' tab of the user interface.
3. Have you completed your bank details / is the information correct?
Payment cannot be released in the absence of payment details or if any field is incorrectly added.
In the case of incorrect bank details, the payment might have been made, however, was failed and returned to ShareASale.
If your payment has been invoiced, you have performed the above checks and still, your payment has not come through, please get in touch with us using our Contact Form.