ShareASale WooCommerce Tracker
To integrate your WooCommerce store with the ShareASale platform and begin tracking sales in your account, ShareASale offers an easy-to-install WooCommerce Plugin.
The ShareASale WooCommerce Tracker plugin sets up the tracking pixel on a Merchant’s cart, allows commission auto-edits if customers are refunded, automatic coupon uploads to ShareASale, product datafeed generation, and advanced analytics useful for sophisticated Affiliate attribution strategies.
Login to ShareASale and jot down your Merchant ID. It’s printed at the top of the Merchant dashboard in ShareASale.
In the plugin’s settings “Tracking Settings” tab (star icon on the WordPress sidebar), enter your Merchant ID and click “Save Settings.” This is all that’s required to setup basic ShareASale conversion tracking in your WooCommerce cart. See below for optional features.
When entering the AWIN ID, please enter your Master Tag ID.
For merchants in the Setup Wizard, you can find this within Step 4 (Tracking Code Installation).
For Live Merchants, you can find this by navigating to MY ACCOUNT > ACCOUNT DETAILS
Account Details: you cannot locate your Master Tag ID, or would like to verify that you have one, please submit a ticket to our ShareASale support staff.
Optional Settings
Stores Connect
If you are on ShareASale’s StoresConnect system, you should have a store ID number assigned for each store/site in your Affiliate program. On the “Tracking Settings” tab, enter the store ID for the site you’re installing tracking using this plugin. If you are not on ShareASale’s StoresConnect, simply leave this field blank.
Merchant-Defined Type
If you would like to pass ShareASale special information about each Affiliate-referred sale not normally captured in our standard tracking pixel solution, you can use the “Merchant-Defined Type” drop-down settings.
For example, if you chose “Device Type (mobile or desktop)” ShareASale would track the customer’s device type, and inside ShareASale you could setup varying commission rule adjustments based on this device type. Feel free to send us any ideas for new merchant-defined types as plugin feedback to
Automatic Reconciliation
To use automatic reconciliation between your WooCommerce cart and ShareASale so Affiliate commissions are automatically edited anytime you refund customers’ orders, you’ll need to add a few more settings.
1. Login to ShareASale and visit Tools >> Merchant API page. If it’s not enabled, click “enable API.” Otherwise, find your API TOKEN and API KEY at the top of the page. Copy these so you can paste them into the plugin settings (iii below).
2. While still on that Merchant API page, change the “IP Address” drop-down setting to “Require IP address match for versions 1.1 and lower.” You can also keep the default setting (“Require IP address match for all API calls”) if you know your site’s hosting IP address and can enter it above the token field. In either case, press “Update Settings” when finished.
3. In the plugin’s settings page “Automate Reconciliation” tab back in WordPress, check the “Automate” box and then input your API settings (key/token) respective fields. Save your settings. If there is an error saving your settings and a red warning is at the top, contact ShareASale support ( for assistance.
4. Any automatically edited or voided sales in ShareASale will be logged in the table at the bottom of this tab for reference.
If you would like to create a product datafeed file for upload to ShareASale, go to the “Datafeed Generation” tab. With a few easy clicks our plugin will generate a basic product datafeed file you can upload to Creatives >> Datafeed in ShareASale. Be sure to review the errors/warnings after generating a product datafeed in case you need to make some fixes yourself. See this blog post for more information on the importance of a product datafeed.
You may also upload the product datafeed to ShareASale via FTP. If you do not have an FTP account yet, contact us ( with your host’s IP address (shown on the settings page) to request credentials. Once you have them, turn on the FTP upload checkbox and enter the credentials into the FTP Username and Password fields, then save settings.
This will also automatically schedule an ongoing daily FTP upload of a new product datafeed file, making your Affiliates’ lives easier.
If you’d like to automatically send ShareASale your WooCommerce coupons as a coupon/deal type creative, check the “send to ShareASale?” box while adding/editing a WooCommerce coupon. Make sure to choose a coupon description.
Now that your tracking tags have been installed, we will need to test that everything is working as expected. To do this, we’ll simulate an Affiliate referred purchase by clicking a ShareASale test link and then running a purchase on your store. If the test is successful we’ll see a record appear in your ShareASale console, which we will VOID so that it doesn’t debit commissions from your account.
If you were emailed a link to this document, a test link may have been provided to you. If it wasn’t, you can obtain one from your account by clicking here.
NOTE: If you do not click the test link your order will not track.
The test link should direct you to your own store. Once there, please purchase any item in your store. Sometimes Merchants will have a test item worth $1.00 sale price, but above $0.00 minimum.
After the purchase is complete, navigate to in your browser and log into your account. Click Reports and then click Transaction Details from the drop-down menu.
Filter the report for Affiliate ID 178 using the panel on the left. The filtered view should now show your test purchase as an entry with today’s date.
If the order tracked successfully…
Your account is now ready to use ShareASale with your store. Please contact us at for further information about:
Product specific commissions (offer different commissions by product)
New customer incentives (offer commission bonuses for new customers)
Exclusive coupon codes (used for tracking conversions without link clickthrough)
If the order does not show up in the Transaction Details Report…
Please verify that you have completed all of the steps as instructed. Common mistakes include not entering the correct Merchant ID in your tracking code and forgetting to click the test link.
If after verifying all of these steps your tracking still does not work please contact our support team at