We have introduced many new data fields that give you information about conversion and attribution.
Here are the definitions of the new fields:
Return Seconds Avg. Sale | Average number of seconds from click to transaction for all sale transactions |
Return Seconds Avg. Lead | Average number of seconds from click to transaction for all lead transactions |
Return Seconds Avg. | Average number of seconds from click to transaction for all transactions |
Multi-Affiliate Sales | Number of sale transactions with multiple affiliates in the clickstream |
Multi-Affiliate Leads | Number of lead transactions with multiple affiliates in the clickstream |
Multi-Affiliate Rate Sales | Percentage of sale transactions with multiple affiliates in the clickstream |
Multi-Affiliate Rate Leads | Percentage of lead transactions with multiple affiliates in the clickstream |
Multi-Affiliate Rate | Percentage of transactions with multiple affiliates in the clickstream |
Avg Affiliates per Sale | Average number of affiliates in the clickstream for all sale transactions |
Avg Affiliates per Lead | Average number of affiliates in the clickstream for all lead transactions |
Avg Affiliates per Trans | Average number of affiliates in the clickstream for all transactions |
Return Seconds Avg Sale | Average number of seconds from click to transaction for all sale transactions |
Return Seconds Avg Lead | Average number of seconds from click to transaction for all lead transactions |
Return Seconds Avg | Average number of seconds from click to transaction for all transactions |
Multi-Affiliate Sales | Number of sale transactions with multiple affiliates in the clickstream |
Multi-Affiliate Leads | Number of lead transactions with multiple affiliates in the clickstream |
Overwritten Sales Count | Number of times this affiliate appeared in the clickstream but didn’t earn the sale transaction |
Overwritten Leads Count | Number of times this affiliate appeared in the clickstream but didn’t earn the lead transaction |
Overwrite Rate Sale | Percentage of sale transactions where affiliate overwrote another affiliate |
Overwrite Rate Lead | Percentage of lead transactions where affiliate overwrote another affiliate |
Overwrite Rate | Percentage of transactions where affiliate overwrote another affiliate |
Overwritten Rate Sale | Overwritten Sales Count expressed as a percentage of sales count. |
Overwritten Rate Lead | Overwritten Lead Count expressed as a percentage of lead count |
Overwritten Rate | A measure of how often this affiliate is overwritten. Overwritten Transaction Count expressed as a percentage of transaction count. |
Overwritten Conversion Rate | Analogous to conversion rate, this measures Overwritten transaction Count expressed as a percentage of hit count |
Overwrite Differential Sale | Multi-Affiliate Sales minus Overwritten Sales Count. |
Overwrite Differential Lead | Multi-Affiliate Leads minus Overwritten Leads Count. |
Overwrite Differential | This is a measure of whether the affiliate is a net beneficiary of click overwriting. Multi-Affiliate Transactions minus Overwritten Transactions Count. |
Overwrite Success Rate Sale | Overwrite Differential Sale expressed as a percentage of sales count. |
Overwrite Success Rate Lead | Overwrite Differential Lead expressed as a percentage of lead count. |
Overwrite Success Rate | Rate at which affiliate earns a transaction in a multiple affiliate clickstream. |